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Support Us

Support us by sending us some money... A little, a lot, as you wish.
Our payment partners (Payplug and Paypal) makes it so that to has to be at least 1€/$1/0.75£.
Note that no account is needed to use one of the buttons below. A payment with just a credit card is always possible.
You can also click on an ad interesting you anywhere in this page or on this site.

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Support Us!

We have developed and released our utilities without really thinking of a business model to fund them, beside the revenues generated by advertisements.
After 2 months, we knew that advertisement revenues would not be enough to make any of our utility's development sustainable, so we have added a "Support Us" page to our web site in order for users to be able to support us with a contribution if they wish.
Note that some of the contributions we receive might give the contributor some benefits to Pro or Premium licenses.
You can also use the Support Us page and click one of the advertisements there, or an advertisement anywhere on the our web sites. It will increase (a little) the revenue we get (and that would be good for us to be able to go on building tools such as Win10wiwi, WannaPatch and ZeroDayPatch and to make them evolve as well as to support them... So when you think of it and when an ad seems interesting to you, please come back on one of our web sites and click this ad!).