The WannaCry/WannaCrypt ransomware attack is a worldwide cyberattack by the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm. This attacks targets computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system, encrypting data on the system hard drive and demanding ransom. More details about this malware on the dedicated WikiPedia article
Another malware attack, named GoldenEye (also named Petya, NotPetya and PetrWrap), spread recently. Petya is a family of encrypting ransomware that was first discovered in 2016. In June 2017, a new ransomware masquerading as Petya but actually named GoldenEye was used for a major global cyberattack, which utilizes the EternalBlue vulnerability previously used by WannaCry earlier in the year to spread.
WannaPatch is designed to make it easy and fast to check if a Windows system is patched and, if not, to get the required update. Once a single system is infected with GoldenEye/Petya, it can spread inside a local network, even to previously patched systems. It is CRITICAL to have installed the needed patch (MS17-010) to all Windows systems.
All versions of Windows on PC hardware may be vulnerable. Windows XP IS vulnerable, despite some fake news that have been widespread. It is recommended to check that your systems are not vulnerable and, if they are, to patch them as soon as possible. We have created a very simple and free tool that can detect if a Windows system is vulnerable to the GoldenEye/WannaCry/Petya attacks and that can also, very easily, help you patching your systems in case they are vulnerable. And all that for free!
More flaws of the same type have been disclosed recently (EternalSynergy, EternalRomance, EternalBlue, EternalChampion, EWorkFrenzy) and some newer cyberattacks are expected any time soon. The good news it that some free patches exist for all these flaws and WannaPatch will detect if your system is vulnerable to any of them. And if so, it automates the download of the patch that targets your very system. No need to know any details about your system version or architecture, WannaPatch does it for you.
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